North American Bitcoin Conference Prepares to Show Currency's Value

From experts to novices, the North American Bitcoin Conference is one of the most highly awaited events of the summer. Taking place in Chicago on July 19th and 20th, over 1,500 people are expected to attend.

Dave Smith and Will Pangman are running a workshop on the accessibility of Bitcoin, and how the digital currency interacts in the world -- and specifically on how you can use the currenc,y and what you can use it for.

“Six months ago bitcoin wasn’t ready for mainstream" explained Smith. "Today it is. Everyone should know what bitcoin is because it might change their life. It has changed mine."

Smith compared Bitcoin to the start of the internet. In the early nineties, internet use was limited and there were far more naysayers than supporters. Bitcoin, he claims, will undergo a similar process of mass acceptance; with today’s use of the currency is just the tip of the iceberg.

Related: Warren Buffett's Conflicting Bitcoin Views

Smith backed this claim up by citing venture capital investment. Dollars spent on Bitcoin technologies this year are on track to surpass that of internet investment in 1995.

Regarding his presentation on Bitcoin use in everyday life, Smith commented, "Attendees will be shocked. Now that I use bitcoin, when using the normal, outdated financial system, banks, ATM's, etc."

"I find myself thinking, wow, this would be so much better if they used bitcoin," he added. "It eliminates so many problems and delays. It is so empowering."

Smith’s and Pangman’s event will be free to all who are interested.

Due to demand, attendees encouraged to sign up as quickly as possible, as space is limited.

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Posted-In: alternative currency Bitcoin Dave Smith Will PangmanEducation Personal Finance Interview General Best of Benzinga


July 16, 2014 at 02:32PM

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